The Ships


25 ships will visit the harbour during the festival. The ships will represent the development of a 200 year time period focusing on the years from 1840 until 2040 – anything from tallships, to steamboats to the Navy's modern, technological ships of today.

It will be the greatest gathering of ships in the Port of Odense ever.

You can read information about the different kinds of ships by clicking on the links to the right. Here you can read about the size of the ship, when it was build, the function and many other exciting details.

A few of the ships from the Admiral Danish Fleet will be moored outside the actually festival area. The same thing goes for Skoleskibet Danmark.



These ships will visit the Port of Odense:

Admiral Danish Fleet
Skoleskibet Danmark (Training Ship)
S/S Skjelskør (steam boat)
Freia (tallship)
Helene (paddle steamer)
Ejno (pilot vessel)
M/S SAMKA (coaster)
M/S Pia (practice boat)
Pandora (classic boat)